A tangible interface for 3D co-creation with AI.
Concept, design, DIY e-textile circuit, silicone casting, text-to-mesh generation, web development, GLSL shaders
Marianne Canu, Sophien Chen, Adrien Chuttarsing, Ninon Lizé Masclef
ENS Paris Saclay, Joseph Gallery, Extended Senses Symposium + Stephen Lawrence Gallery
Ninon Lizé Masclef. (2023). Symbiotic Co-Creation with AI. AI & HCI Workshop at the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. 2023.
Ninon Lizé Masclef and Adrien Chuttarsing. (2023). Latent Organism: Embodied Co-Creation with AI. In Creativity and Cognition (C&C '23). ACM, New York, NY, USA.
Ninon Lizé Masclef and Kaitlin M. Reed. (2023). Bio Deepfakes, Mimicry and Memes. In ACM CHI'23 Workshop on Living Bits and Radical Aminos. Hamburg, Germany.
Ninon Lizé Masclef and Adrien Chuttarsing. (2023). Latent Organism : a Tangible Interface for 3D Co-Creation with AI. In Proceedings of Electronic Visualisation and the Arts London Conference (EVA London)
tangible interface, e-textile, interactive installation, 3D, embodiment, AI art